Assembly Library

DesignBuilder is provided with an assembly library which contains a small database of typical components that may be useful in defining a CFD model. Some assemblies in the library include thermal gains while others simply provide an obstruction to airflow.

Add assembly to library

You can add your own assemblies to the model assembly library by selecting one or more component blocks when at building or block level and using the Add assembly to library toolbar command (or Edit > Add assembly to library menu option). This causes the Drawing options panel in the bottom left of the screen to be opened. Here you can enter a name for the assembly and define any default boundary conditions.

Note: The boundary conditions selected here will act as default settings at assembly block level and will not override any hard-set attributes made within the constituent component blocks themselves.

The full process is as follows:


  1. Select the component blocks and/or CFD fans to be included in the assembly at block or building level. It does not matter which of these levels the blocks are originally created at. It will be possible to import the resultant assembly at building or block level regardless of where it was created.
  2. Click on the Add assembly to library toolbar command.
  3. In the Drawing options panel enter a unique name for the assembly and the default assembly boundary conditions.
  4. Select the Assembly creation mode.
  5. Move the mouse to highlight the plane of the assembly to be used as the attachment plane and click. The attachment plane will be used later when placing the assembly.

  6. Then click again to define the attachment point on the attachment plane. This will be the point that will be used to define the actual position of the assembly when it is placed later.

  7. Click again to add the assembly to the library.

Assembly creation mode

Select from 3 options:



The assembly library data can be exported for use in other projects using the File > Export > Export assembly library menu command.


The exported assembly library .asl file can be loaded into other projects using the File > Import > Import assembly library menu command.


See also: